Reviews of SleepPhones® Headband Headphones
What people are saying about SleepPhones® Headphones

"I wanted to give a huge thank you to SleepPhones. I received my wireless SleepPhones, in time for surgery. I suffer from PTSD and panic attacks, this amazing device allowed me to sleep calmly days before surgery, without the need for heavy medications! I believe my healing process is aided by better sleep, emotional rest and overall mental health due to your product. Pajamas for your ears - better yet, the healthiest pair of Pajamas I've ever owned!" - S. Thompson
S. Thompson - runphones
"First, I want to say how much I have enjoyed your product. I listen to my Zune hours at a time and the ear plugs were just bothersome and painful (I'm a side sleeper). So, outstanding product, love it."- Anonymous
Anonymous - runphones
"I've tried for years to find heaphones or earbuds that I can lay on my side and sleep comfortably with. All others hurt the inside of my ears and made it impossible to sleep. Until I found SleepPhones-Pajamas for your Ears... these completely revolutionized my sleep. I can now turn on binaural beats along with the white noise, and I'm asleep in minutes. I don't know what I'd do without them! Now i need my sister to try them."- Krista E.
Krista E. - runphones
SleepPhones Reviews: Snoring, Tinnitus, PTSD, Anxiety, ASMR, Side Sleeping, and More
Great to hear we've saved more than a few marriages
"I wanted to give a huge thank you to SleepPhones. I received my wireless SleepPhones, in time for surgery. I suffer from PTSD and panic attacks, this amazing device allowed me to sleep calmly days before surgery, without the need for heavy medications! I believe my healing process is aided by better sleep, emotional rest and overall mental health due to your product. Pajamas for your ears - better yet, the healthiest pair of Pajamas I've ever owned!"
- S. Thompson
"First, I want to say how much I have enjoyed your product. I listen to my Zune hours at a time and the ear plugs were just bothersome and painful (I'm a side sleeper). So, outstanding product, love it."
- Anonymous
"I've tried for years to find heaphones or earbuds that I can lay on my side and sleep comfortably with. All others hurt the inside of my ears and made it impossible to sleep. Until I found SleepPhones-Pajamas for your Ears... these completely revolutionized my sleep. I can now turn on binaural beats along with the white noise, and I'm asleep in minutes. I don't know what I'd do without them! Now i need my sister to try them."
- Krista E.
"I have to tell you - your product really is a lifesaver. I recently traveled with my mother who snores quite dramatically, and it was only through the use of both earplugs and SleepPhones that I got any sleep at all that week! The earplugs alone would not have been enough. The whole trip would have been a sleep-deprived blur if it wasn't for the SleepPhones. So kudos on a really great product!"
- Pam A.
"This is a life saving product! I was at the end of my rope with my husbands snoring and such a lack of sleep from constantly being awakened by the loud snoring. I read about your product in a magazine article. I have enjoyed my SleepPhones every night since receiving them. I also have a condition of ringing in my ears; this product hooked up to a white noise app on my phone completely helped me to relax the minute I hooked it up. The Bluetooth is so worth it too; no cords. Thank you from a very satisfied customer!"
- Phyllis
"Very comfortable, makes me sleepy straight away, even before I have plugged in my MP3 player! Very nice snug fit that is perfect for lying in bed, even when rolling around! How have SleepPhones helped you or your loved one? It is extremely easy to pack in a bag, great for travelling to minimise the effects of unwanted noise on planes, trains, buses (just be careful not to miss your stop!). My brother got a pair for Christmas after hearing how much I loved it, and he loves it too. It allows him to have the best naps before he starts work, as he works in a bar and is often up very late. How have SleepPhones helped you to fall asleep? I used to use Bose OE2i headphones to bed, which was a very bad idea. As much as I love my bose headphones, they are very fragile and cannot take rolling around in bed. When I fall asleep they normally fall off my head and I tend to squash them while asleep. The SleepPhones are so great because if they do fall off my head, it is okay, because the headband is durable and can survive me rolling over them. If it stays on my head it is still totally comfortable and I don't wake up from having plastic bits jabbing the side of my head. The sound quality is not as good as the bose, but the physical comfort well surpasses the bose and is therefore my chosen headphones for sleep. I use SleepPhones with ASMR (GentleWhispering, OneLilium, MassageASMR etc.) videos as well as the free MP3 tracks provided online"
- Charlie
"More comfortable than I expected. Audio quality is excellent. I have always had difficulty in falling and staying asleep. I've been on sleep meds for over 18 years. The meds work but it is often a struggle to get going the next morning. Lately, I've been concerned about taking meds for so many years and started using regular headphones to help me sleep without taking any pills. They were so uncomfortable. I found SleepPhones on an internet search and purchased immediately. Because SleepPhones are so comfortable, I am not even aware that I am wearing them. They are more comfortable than I expected. The audio quality is excellent. I can truly relax and enjoy my audiobooks without any distractions. It's the adult version of being read a bedtime story. It works! I no longer take sleep aids - what a relief!"
- Lee W.
"I do love SleepPhones because they are very comfortable, and I can't seem to empty my ever-moving brain without some assistance. I listen to a familiar book on my iPod, this is very soothing."
- Sara
"SleepPhones... WOW!!! You saved my trip to CES. Not knowing the severity of my Vegas roommate's snoring, I could not sleep the entire first night. I ran across SleepPhones and just had to have a pair, and they worked! I got a good night's rest for the remaining days and got to listen to the mellow side of my music library without awakening to a construction zone in my own room."
- Alfeo Dixon, Cine & Print Photography
"SleepPhones are absolutely WONDERFUL! Since I suffer from chronic insomnia, I often end up listening to music or watching TV shows and movies on my cell phone late at night. With SleepPhones, I am able to easily do so while still remaining completely comfortable laying down. This is NOT something you can do with other types of headphones, even ear bud types, because it is far too awkward and uncomfortable to lay with your head against a pillow with them on. The sound from the speakers is really quite exceptional, especially considering their size. They are very easy to remove and put back, so washing the headband is a breeze. Considering that both the quality and functionality is top notch, the price is a real bargain as well. I love SleepPhones so much I ordered a second pair for myself, and I regularly give them as gifts to friends, who all enjoy using them just as much as I do. I highly recommend them to anyone and everyone! SleepPhones have helped me tremendously by enabling me to listen to or watch whatever I want before going to sleep WITHOUT disturbing my partner or keeping them awake. This is something BOTH of us really and truly appreciate, for obvious reasons! I have suffered from chronic insomnia for years. SleepPhones have literally changed my life by allowing me to fall asleep at my own pace, without being pressured to adhere to someone else's timetable. I am able to relax and focus on something other than my pressing need to fall asleep because I have to get up early in the morning. With SleepPhones, it has become SO much easier for me to both fall asleep and STAY asleep, since I don't need to worry about taking them off, unplugging them, or putting them away. I've even slept through the night with them on several times, without waking up once. It continues to amaze me just how comfortable they are!"
- Mara Z.
"I can fall asleep and if i wake up I can fall asleep again. I love my new wireless sleepPhones and of course my sheep i purchased with my original sleepPhones. Thanks so much for the wireless set... it makes a big difference not having to fight with the wire. LOVE them. My husband can sleep while i listen to my sleep sounds"
- Kris
"These headphones have been my salvation for two reasons. First, I use them to listen to guided meditations on both my phone and computer. I use these meditations as part of a pain management program. I have a genetic disorder that is painful and debilitating. Every tool in my tool kit is valuable and essential. These headphones provide a comfort I have not enjoyed previously. The second reason these headphones have helped me is that my sleep is disrupted by pain; I wake frequently and I sleepwalk. If I go to sleep wearing these, they provide me the comfort of my own world - whether it is music, a show or movie, or a meditation. In all likelihood, I will awake in a couple of hours. I just turn my music or meditation on and I often able to drift off to sleep without sleepwalking. I am able to avoid the use of prescription sleep aids by using this technique. Finally, I find that the nights that I wear these headphones, I stay in bed. SleepPhones, quite literally, contribute to the quality of my life. By helping improve my sleep, I can manage pain better. I am more tolerant during the day. This makes everyone happier. Also, when I wear them, my sleepwalking is curtailed. I have had numerous injuries due to sleepwalking. It could be well be argued that Sleepphones improve my safety."
- Dawn
"I love them because they're just so perfect; they're amazing to help me get to sleep. I suffer from acute insomnia and went through a period of waking up at night and being unable to get back to sleep, but now I just slip them on before I go to bed, have a hot milky drink, and sleep with perfect dreams. I've tried loads of sleeping remedies but not many had worked; I'd just got bored of listening and got up again, not asleep, but SleepPhones were just so amazing. I have bad insomnia and have tried many sleeping remedies, such as guided meditations or songs for sleep. None of them worked because they made me irritated and annoyed and I just got up, but SleepPhones and their amazing tracks helped me so much. I just put them on, listen to a track, and doze off to wake up in the morning, refreshed and regenerated."
- Clara M.
"I'd been searching for years for the right headphone to sleep with. These sound great, and you don't even notice you're wearing them. I live in a city not too far from a few local bars, and due to a new construction, even whispers seem like shouts in my room. The cops are sick of me calling about noise problems, I'm sure. I just got them today, so we'll see how they hold up. I love listening to podscasts to fall asleep, so hopefully, these do the trick."
- Kristy
"After 10 years of sleeping in separate bedrooms, I can sleep with my husband again! Also, when traveling, no noise can wake me up anymore. We can finally sleep on the same bed. I don't wake my husband up so he can stop snoring. The soothing sound makes me fall asleep faster."
- Elina
"I have always slept to the sound of a fan to drown out small noises that keep me awake at night. Recently, my needs changed. My husband became a very heavy snorer in recent years, and the fan noise wasn't cutting it. We started sleeping in separate rooms, or we'd risk losing hours of sleep. I bought my SleepPhones on Groupon in hopes of drowning out my snoring husband. Oh My Gosh! I love SleepPhones! They are so comfortable and paired with a *sound machine app for my iPhone, I'm sleeping like a baby. I especially love the fact that my iPhone alarm still goes off in the morning, regardless of the sounds app going all night, and the SoundPhones being plugged in."
- Marlisa
"SleepPhones are so soft and provide comfort for a dreamy night's sleep. I purchased the first set of SleepPhones for my daughter after seeing them on 'I Want That.' She listens to her ipod at night to fall asleep and loved the SleepPhones. I 'borrowed' them a couple of times and fell in love! We are blessed to live at the beach, however, between the foghorn, car alarms and late night revelers, my sleep is continually interrupted. I am a light sleeper even with ear plugs. I have tried white noise, cds, etc. without success. SleepPhones brought me the restful night sleep no matter the noise around me! As a extremely light sleeper, I can finally fall asleep and stay asleep without noises waking me! Thank you AcousticSheep!"
- Kim G.
"I bought your headphones about 3 weeks ago. At first it took a bit for me to get used to them. Now I use them every night. I downloaded an app for my phone and just keep it plugged in while I sleep. I am now getting much better and deeper sleep than ever before. I love your product! My Girlfriend works second shift. So when she gets home I am asleep. I used to wake up when she came home and have a very hard time falling back to sleep. This is no longer an issue. With you product I am back asleep very quickly and deeply. No more tossing and turning! They allow me to use meditative music to fall asleep naturally. I love this idea. I am on a great many drugs as it is. I did not want to resort to any more, and my sleep was suffering. I am so flad I found your product."
- Beale C.
"I haven't had a good nights sleep in SO long! The giant dogs next door howling and the neighbours slamming doors keep me up. So I got SleepPhones. They are perfect for side sleepers and great for traveling! I also got the sleep sheep storage system. I adore my soft, snuggly, adorable sleep sheep! I can adjust the 'white noise' on my ipod to the perfect decibel to block outside noises such as dogs barking, train whistles and loud neighbours. The sleep sheep relaxes me as well. They allow me to sleep on my side while the white noise plays, they are soft and quite comfortable. Have I mentioned I love the sleep sheep?"
- Blaze
"I have had tinnitus since 2007. I connect SleepPhones to a MP3 player playing nature sounds and they are a life saver. My wife would never be able to sleep if she had to listen to birds all night. Before I tried SleepPhones she did. We are still together and happy thanks to sleepPhones."
- Frank
"They are the perfect solution for tinnitus sufferers. No more painful earbuds to sleep with!! They have made my life so much better, as I deal with the tinnitus problem. I do hope it eventually goes away, but until then, I can sleep with my SleepPhones! Can't thank you enough. They are quite soft and comfortable and allow me to listen to my music at night in order to sleep. Thanks!!"
- Kelley Middleton
"They are so comfortable around my head, and are perfect for me, since I can't sleep without noise. I sleep better, feel more secure, and enjoy all my sounds. They are comfortable and unobtrusive like earbuds are."
- Joe
I love my Sleepphones so much! The headband is so soft and I hardly notice the speakers. I'm glad don't have to de with hard headphones hurting my ears. I've bought several of these over the years, partly to give as gifts, but also because of the cord: the cord seems to get kinked out s d eventually short out on me. I use these every night. Maybe they are not up for daily use? I sprung for the fabric- covered cord this time, but I started to notice the cord peeking through in a few placed aftera couple weeks. I am hoping they hold up better than the last pair. I really love the headphones and the concept, but I wish the cord held up better."
- Alyce A.
"I have had tinnitus since 2007. I connect SleepPhones to a MP3 player playing nature sounds and they are a life saver. My wife would never be able to sleep if she had to listen to birds all night. Before I tried SleepPhones she did. We are still together and happy thanks to sleepPhones."
- Frank
"They help me direct my mind to sleep and drive my brain to a positive sleep pattern. Otherwise my dreams tend to be extensions of my day with bizarre twists that frequently wake me or keep me restless. They permit my partner to sleep without the music or television that I need to sooth my mind for a relaxed sleep. I tried wired ear buds but they are harsh in my ears, fall out, or so me from hearing my alarm. The pillow phones can be heard by my partner. These are comfortable, personal and do not get tangled in cords be because they are wireless."
- Scott J.
"I can fall asleep and if i wake up I can fall asleep again. I love my new wireless sleepPhones and of course my sheep i purchased with my original sleepPhones. Thanks so much for the wireless set... it makes a big difference not having to fight with the wire. LOVE them. My husband can sleep whilei listen to my sleep sounds."
- kris
"I have had a hard time falling to sleep due to tinnitus. White noise does help a lot, but only when I use headphones. I used ear buds that worked ok, but every morning I woke up with sore ears. And don't get me started about sleeping on the side. I have only had my (Bluetooth) SleepPhones for a couple of weeks, but I am confident to say that this has been a life changer. An added bonus is that it keeps my hair away from my face and keeps draft out of my ears :) The only negative I can think of is the battery capacity, but with the size of the unit I can't imagine how it would be possible to make it better."
- Ravn
"They are so comfortable. As a side sleeper, having earbuds or other earphones in my ears would always bother me and were painful. The SleepPhones are so comfortable. I don't feel them at all. I don't recommend a lot of products, but this is one that I tell Everyone about just because it has improved my quality of life so much. I have a Fitbit monitor that monitors my sleep patterns and since I have had the SleepPhones my average time is 7 minutes to fall asleep over a period of a month. Without the SleepPhones it took me an average of one hour and eleven minutes to fall asleep over the span of a month. I would say that is a drastic improvement. They are so comfortable, and they stay in place all night. And unlike most traditional earphones, I don't wake up with the cord wrapped around my neck. I wear them every night. I don't like to place a lot of dependence on material items, but I really think I would be lost without them!"
- Jaimie
"I joke that I have not had a good night's sleep since I was pregnant 28 years ago -- but really, it's not that much of a joke. I have been a terrible sleeper for many years, my problem being getting to sleep and staying asleep, and I also suffer from anxiety. I've tried everything -- Excedrin PM, benadryl, melatonin, valerian, warm baths, warm milk, sleepy-time tea, watching Mad Men in the middle of the night -- you name it, I've tried it. I have recently been on an antidepressant that in low doses, is supposed to help you sleep, and it worked okay, for a while. I don't want to be taking more pills. I saw a group on for SleepPhones and was interested enough to look at the website, and then order it. I'm stunned by how well this works -- once I got used to it, I woke up feeling I'd slept better than I have in literally, years. I have for a long time awakened in the morning feeling just as tired as I did when I went to sleep. The SleepPhones have helped me to get the rest that will allow me to actually feel refreshed and as if I've gotten some actual *sleep*. The difference is so great that I almost can't believe it. I downloaded a bunch of mp3's like "Golden Bowls of Compassion," or various binaural beats tracks. I put the SleepPhones on when I get into bed and play a Kindle word game I enjoy before I go to sleep, and after I've played for a little while, I just drift off and have no memory of *trying* to get to sleep. If I wake up at 3 or 4 AM, which I still do, I go right back to sleep. I got myself a tiny SanDisk mp3 player that I clip onto my pj's, and the Sandman now stops by my house every night. If this is a placebo -- who cares? I can't thank you enough."
- Elise Wormuth
"I sleep listening to my iPod and the earbuds were so uncomfortable. I bought the SleepPhones after reading some reviews and absolutely love them. The headband stayed in place all night and it was very comfortable. The sounds quality is great as well."
- Sherry F.
"I like them because they are convenient and easy to manage/use"
- Eric
BEST "pillow" speaker ever made! I've tried many. Thanks so much for thousands of hours of extra sleep I've been able to get. I'm going to save up and get a wireless set someday and use as a flat speaker under my head when I don't need to mask sounds around! Even MORE comfortable! I use them all the time, and others in my family have used them when they needed help sleeping, usually from discomfort due to injuries. (got another for them to share), helped one and all. Flat, thin, tiny, comfortable speakers / band and they WORK! I mostly use them to provide a soothing focus to "stop my mind from running", planning out tomorrow, worrying, etc... Also used to mask noises which makes traveling ALOT easier. and...... my wife right next to me, can't hear a thing!"
- Russell H.
"Wow wow wow I just had the best sleep ever your sleep PJ's are the best thing that has been invented thank you thank you. It can take me 2 hours at night to get to sleep really it can and I had just got the SleepPhones in the mail and I wanted to try them I put it on and you don't even know you have anything on your head so very comfortable soft very soft."
- Marjory K
"I love it just because i don't really have to deal with ear buds after ear buds just to get my sleep, then afterwards i end up having it around my neck or broken the very next day. So then i done a bit of research and just found about this product. It has helped me! I can finally sleep faster and rest at ease because i can listen to several of my songs in my Ipod without ever getting everyone disturbed. Since it has clean sound as water, i can hear it without ever changing the volume and just leave it alone and fall asleep faster and get my rest needed without ever waking up randomly."
- Erik
"I have a Fitbit monitor that monitors my sleep patterns and since I have had the SleepPhones my average time is 7 minutes to fall asleep over a period of a month. Without the SleepPhones it took me an average of one hour and eleven minutes to fall asleep over the span of a month. I would say that is a drastic improvement. They are so comfortable, and they stay in place all night. And unlike most traditional earphones, I don't wake up with the cord wrapped around my neck. I wear them every night. I don't like to place a lot of dependence on material items, but I really think I would be lost without them! As a side sleeper, having earbuds or other earphones in my ears would always bother me and were painful. The SleepPhones are so comfortable. I don't feel them at all. I don't recommend a lot of products, but this is one that I tell Everyone about just because it has improved my quality of life so much."
- Jaimie P.
"I love my SleepPhones! I sometimes have restless sleep due to stress from work. I put on the SleepPhones and it soothes me to sleep. It helps to clear my mind from my worries of day. I love my SleepPhones, thank you Doctor OZ (I won them on The Dr Oz Show). My husband works early hours and when he gets home he takes a nap during the day. The SleepPhones help him to relax and they drown out the light and noise. He loves it. I need to buy him his own pair."
- Yvonne Gonzalez
"The fabric is SO soft, and the headband fits great. Most comfortable night I've had in a long while, trying to listen to my meditations and relaxing music. THANK YOU for a great product!"
- JC
- ican travel with anyone who snores! i was skeptical but i purchased them online a few weeks ago for my trip to Iceland. i was hoping that is the Sleep phones did not work, i would be too tired to care but not the case. i was on the border between two sizes so i went with the smaller size hoping it would make a snug fit and in case it would stretch over time. i received them very quickly and downloaded some white noise (Victoria Waterfall) onto my computer and then set my Sony Walkman on repeat so there was no break in my slumber for over 8 hours. i could turn up the volume as high or low as needed. in europe most beds are right next to each other and i did not hear her ONCE unless i removed the head band. it was incredible, and if i had not experienced it for myself i would think i was lying, but this is the greatest invention. OMG They are soft and comfortable (i am a side sleeper)...and i was afraid they might be too warm since they are fleece but they were just right. it is the most amazing product. who knows, i might still be married if i had these sooner ha ha. i was concerned about the cord... but there was not reason to worry... it is way long enough to flip flop all over the bed and not get tangled. i tucked my mp3 player inside the pillow case and never gave it another thought. i will say, these keep out the noise so if you are relying on hearing an alarm clock to get up, you might want to turn volume up on clock :)"
- Becky C.
"I love SleepPhones because they are a very comfortable, all-in-one piece that stays on throughout the night. Thanks so much for contributing to a restful and peaceful night's sleep."
- Ian
"The comfortable band and earpiece inside the band fabric makes it easy to fall asleep to the music. The soothing music I picked helped me fall asleep."
- Oanh
"I love them because they help my fiance fall asleep but don't keep me up. My fiance used to fall asleep to the television, but agreed to stop when he moved in with me. For a couple years he used ear buds plugged into his laptop, but sleeping in those gave him earaches on a regular basis. I stumbled across SleepPhones online and took a chance--he used to work in a recording studio and is pretty picky about his headphones--and he loved them! He loves how comfortable they are and likes the sound quality. So when I tried to buy him more as a Christmas gift this season, I was really upset to come home and find that they had been stolen right out of their packaging. SleepPhones customer service department took amazing care of me, and even offered to set up expedited shipping so that they would arrive before the holiday. Great product and fantastic company!"
- Erin K.
"My husband has always been a night owl, often paying the price the next day. He would drink energy drinks to get through the day. The cycle would start over. The TV cycle was there, too. Needed to have the TV on to fall asleep. However, the TV entertainment would keep him up. Vicious cycle #2. Now he puts on his SleepPhones and listens to various ESPN Podcasts. No more than 3 minutes until he is sound asleep! Thank you SleepPhones!!! Everyone in my family has a pair."
- Shannon
"I love them because they're just so perfect; they're amazing to help me get to sleep. I suffer from acute insomnia and went through a period of waking up at night and being unable to get back to sleep, but now I just slip them on before I go to bed, have a hot milky drink, and sleep with perfect dreams. I've tried loads of sleeping remedies but not many had worked; I'd just got bored of listening and got up again, not asleep, but SleepPhones were just so amazing. As I said before, I have bad insomnia and have tried many sleeping remedies, such as guided meditations or songs for sleep. None of them worked because they made me irritated and annoyed and I just got up, but SleepPhones and their amazing tracks helped me so much. I just put them on, listen to a track, and doze off to wake up in the morning, refreshed and regenerated."
- Clara
"I love it!! Since I received them (I won them on the Dr Oz show)my sleep has improved greatly. The music is so soothing and unlike regular phones that come off as you turn because of the headband they stay on through the night."
- Roxanna Cruz
"I can put my relaxing music on and go to sleep without worrying about bulky headphones."
- Janet Hale
"More comfortable than I expected. Audio quality is excellent. I have always had difficulty in falling and staying asleep. I've been on sleep meds for over 18 years. The meds work but it is often a struggle to get going the next morning. Lately, I've been concerned about taking meds for so many years and started using regular headphones to help me sleep without taking any pills. They were so uncomfortable. I found SleepPhones on an internet search and purchased immediately. Because SleepPhones are so comfortable, I am not even aware that I am wearing them. They are more comfortable than I expected. The audio quality is excellent. I can truly relax and enjoy my audiobooks without any distractions. It's the adult version of being read a bedtime story. It works! I no longer take sleep aids - what a relief!"
- Lee W
"Comfortable, easy to use! The fact that they are in a head band is amazing they dont hurt my ears like regular ear buds and I dont get tangled up in the wire its amazing! SleepPhones have helped with my need to sleep with noise on and not disturb my husband. I have to be listening to music or tv in order for me to fall asleep, I have always had problems sleeping and this is an amazing invention!!"
- Cammy
"SleepPhones have literally changed the way I anticipate bedtime.Bedtime used to mean a prolonged period of lying in often-shifting positions trying to get the internal monologue to be quiet. I have a tendency to fixate on a phrase or even a single word and my brain will repeat it endlessly with the addition of echo effects; not conducive to drifting off into restful sleep. SleepPhones, by virtue of allowing me to play my choice of whatever media may strike my fancy, have taken the tedium out of attempting to fall asleep. If at least part of my brain is focusing on whatever selection I've chosen, I'm less likely to be diverted by the incessant echoes in my subconscious. In my past 3 years using SleepPhones, I've experienced more restful, relaxing sleep than I can remember experiencing before in my life. More reliable than meditation alone, less irritating to your partner than an ambient sleep-timed radio or tv, and far less addictive than sleep medications. Wake up after the timer's gone off? Reset it, lay your head back down and drift off again. I'll never be without them in the future no matter where I go. Now that there's a wireless option I will be saving my money to invest in them, since my only complaint so far has involved the durability and/or [lack of] tangle-resistance of the cable."
- Lisa P.
"I love SleepPhones! My husband had a narrowing of his windpipe so he had to have a tracheal resection. It helped his breathing tremendously but not my sleep! He came home from the hospital and has been snoring loudly ever since. It actually sounds like its coming from his vocal cords. I had to kick him out of our beautiful king size bed into our daughters small bed (she was away at college). It was not good for our marriage at all. I had to find a way to get him back in our room. I needed my sleep and I couldn't sleep with the noise he was making. SleepPhones saved our marriage. I went online and found the SleepPhones when I was looking for ear buds for my iphone. I have a sleep machine app but I didn't want to bother him so your product was perfect. I even have my alarm on my phone. Last night he was away on a golf trip and I slept with the sleepPhones anyway. I love the soothing wind sound I hear before I fall asleep. I fall asleep instantly too. The best part is I like to sleep on my side and the sleepphones allow me to do that comfortably. My only complaint was that the average size (fits most) was too big for me so I had to buy the smaller size. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SLEEPPHONES!"
- Wendy Gemmell
"The quality is great. The headphones are very comfortable. I use my headphones every night and it helps to calm and refocus my busy mind. My sleep has improved tremendously since owning this product..."
- Dawn
"I always had trouble sleeping and had even used Am*ien for over a year. Then I found Sleepphones and haven't used it since. I have a few playlists that I created in iTunes for sleeping, sometimes meditation first, then sleeping. I put my sleepphones on, iPod under the pillow. See you at 6 am :) One of the reasons I had a hard time sleeping is that I am a light sleeper and my husband snores. I have purchased a number of them and sent them to my kids and friends since I like them so much. I can't believe Apple or Bose hasn't done something like this - smart you!"
- Terry
"They are so comfortable. The soft, warm material is super cozy. I can't imagine trying to sleep with regular headphones anymore. I usually need to listen to an audio book as I fall asleep, but I don't want to disturb my partner. With sleep phones, I can listen to books privately, while still being comfortable and cozy. It's much easier to fall asleep now that I have SleepPhones"
- Célèste
"I work nights and my sleep phones enclose me in the darkness that I need and either the music or audiobook I want. My wife no longer has to sneak around the house with out a sound. I fall asleep faster and stay there."
- Randall
"I received my sleepphone last week and I love it! I look forward to going to bed every night now. My husband snores and I am a light sleeper. We have used a fan for the white noise but it just wasn't enough so we tried a sound machine also. He wears a nasal strip every night and they help but it was coming to the point where we were going to have to sleep separately. Not any more! A great purchase and money well spent! My sound machine has a headphone hook up and I listen to the sound of my choice rather than his snoring! If your husband/wife snores, buy this product! You won't regret it!"
- Pam, MI
"I just wanted to let you know that your SleepPhones have changed my life and I am not kidding when I say that! My husband snores terribly and we mostly sleep apart and it has been this way for years. When we would sleep in the same bed, I would wear earplugs and my ears would be raw and hurting after the second night from trying to twist and turn them to keep them in my ears. I now sleep like a baby AND in total comfort. I have told anyone that will listen how wonderful these are... they are truly amazing! PLEASE tell Wei-Shin Lai, MD that she has literally changed my life and I cannot thank her enough!"
- Kirsten W., TX
"First of all, let me say how much I love my SleepPhones. I used to listen to my audiobooks through my speakers (much to the annoyance of my boyfriend who needs absolute silence to go to sleep) because wearing regular headphones was so uncomfortable--especially if I had my head to one side. I'm also very sensitive to light when falling asleep and my boyfriend's nightly ritual usually includes reading in bed. I actually started pulling the SleepPhones over my eyes so I could use them as an eye mask. They're a little big but they work great!"
- Dana S., MD
"Very comfortable, makes me sleepy straight away, even before I have plugged in my MP3 player! Very nice snug fit that is perfect for lying in bed, even when rolling around! It is extremely easy to pack in a bag, great for travelling to minimise the effects of unwanted noise on planes, trains, buses (just be careful not to miss your stop!). My brother got a pair for Christmas after hearing how much I loved it, and he loves it too. It allows him to have the best naps before he starts work, as he works in a bar and is often up very late. I used to use Bose OE2i headphones to bed, which was a very bad idea. As much as I love my bose headphones, they are very fragile and cannot take rolling around in bed. When I fall asleep they normally fall off my head and I tend to squash them while asleep. The SleepPhones are so great because if they do fall off my head, it is okay, because the headband is durable and can survive me rolling over them. If it stays on my head it is still totally comfortable and I don't wake up from having plastic bits jabbing the side of my head. The sound quality is not as good as the bose, but the physical comfort well surpasses the bose and is therefore my chosen headphones for sleep. I use SleepPhones with ASMR (GentleWhispering, OneLilium, MassageASMR etc.) videos as well as the free MP3 tracks provided online."
- Charlie
"Just to conclude— these headphones have saved my marriage and I sleep beautifully and serenely every night. I simply cannot summon words to indicate how pleased I am with them."
- Peter, Australia
"Thank you soo much for giving me the deep sleep I have been missing for the past few months! They showed up at my job on last monday afternoon, I took them home and was actually excited to go to sleep that night! It took me a few nights to get used to them, but thanks to them, I've slept thru the night, slept more soundly than I have in the past 3-4 months, and I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face my day. I don't feel tired throughout the day anymore! I can't thank you enough for the product:)"
- Kim M., UT
"Hi, I just got my SleepPhones and couldn't wait to tell how great they are. I can't believe such wonderful sound comes from something so small and soft. I have to wear a CPAP at night and the machine just makes too much noise for me. Now, I can tuck these soft little earphones right into my mask straps and listen to anything I want. I wish I had more ears so I could get more of these. I think I have found my Christmas presents for this year."
- Erin B.,
"Last night was the first time in 2 weeks that I slept without @SleepPhones and wow am I tired! I am definitely using them tonight!! *yawn* I forgot to charge my Ipod so I couldn't use them last night. Lesson learned! THANK YOU for making such a wonderful product! My issue is not falling asleep, but falling into a deep sleep as I am/was a light sleeper. The delta wave music knocks me right out :)"
- Carla, Edmonton, Canada
"I have always slept to the sound of a fan to drown out small noises that keep me awake at night. Recently, my needs changed. My husband became a very heavy snorer in recent years, and the fan noise wasn't cutting it. We started sleeping in separate rooms or we'd risk losing hours of sleep. I bought my SleepPhones on Groupon in hopes of drowning out my snoring husband. Oh My Gosh! I love SleepPhones! They are so comfortable and paired with a *sound machine app for my iPhone, I'm sleeping like a baby. I especially love the fact that my iPhone alarm still goes off in the morning, regardless of the sounds app going all night, and the SoundPhones being plugged in."
"Oh my! This is pretty much the best product I have found in a long while. My husband snores and I am an extreme light sleeper. I have self-hypnosis books on my Ipod and hated having to wear regular head-phones. I always fell asleep with them and the hurt after a while or slide off. I love the SleepPhones System. It stay's on sometimes all night long and I get a very good night sleep. The system is light weight and works like a charm. Thank god I found this item."
- H.L., TX
"They are so comfortable around my head, and are perfect for me, since I can't sleep without noise. I sleep better, feel more secure, and enjoy all my sounds. They are comfortable and unobtrusive like earbuds are."
- Joe
"I love my @SleepPhones. With it, I fall asleep in 15 minutes. Without, it can talk an hour or two. Plus it masks kitty midnight mischief."
- Zanthra (Twitter 4/8/10)
"The problem with listening at night is you have to wear headphones. You can sleep in these, and then you can listen to your audiobooks. I love them!"
- Leo Laporte of, CA
"I must admit I was skeptical when my wife ordered your sleep phones. But we were desperate to find a solution for her not sleeping do to my loud snoring. I do not have apnea, I just snore loud so doctors do not want to prescribe a cpap machine and frankly, I don't want one. But, back to my point... My wife couldn't sleep and tried several products, ear plugs, white noise generators, etc etc. A friend of ours found your product on google and we ordered one set. The first night was great! My wife slept all night long. The problem came the second night and beyond. My wife began sleeping so well that SHE started snoring. Payback I guess. Well, After a few nights of this, I order your sleepphones for me. Last night was my first night with them and I slept like a baby. Thanks for a great product. I look forward to many peaceful nights"
- F. Fields, Lawrenceburg, KY
"My goodness. I've spent the last decade losing sleep for various reasons. Mostly mind chatter in the middle of the night. Getting to sleep wasn't the problem. Waking in the night was problematic in that I found it increasingly difficult to get back to sleep after rousing. I did a lot of research on sleep, a lot of reading, a lot of personal writing. Followed every suggestion, and although I could see some improvement, it wasn't fool proof. One night every thing would be fine, the next would be broken sleep and wakefulness. Last year I bought an mp3 player about the size of a book of matches, a little Sansa Clip, loaded it with music and audio books, and gave that a shot. I figured if I was going to be awake in the night, I could at least be entertained. Worked pretty well, but the ear buds I was using did a number on my temporomandibular joint (TMJ) causing an increase in tooth sensitivity. What to do, what to do. Finding I sleep better with the music and audio books, that became the obvious path to follow. But with what could the ear buds be replaced? Your product. Sweet mother. What a blessing Sleep Phones are. I wake in the night, roll over, slip the band over my head, find whatever best puts me to sleep (currently it's Deepak Chopra reading his own "Buddha") and bang, I'm out like a light. Thanks to your product I'm sleeping better and more consistently now than I have in a very long time. I can't remember the last time I took a sleeping pill. I simply do not head to bed any more without my little mp3 player and my SleepPhones. Just another testimonial for your site. Thanks bunches."
- David H., Atlanta, GA
"THANK YOU! They are awesome! My daughter no longer gets out of bed multiple times at night. She gets to sleep easily now. Sleepphones = stressless nights."
- Todd, PA
"Ever get on a plane with someone who sees you as a captive audience? Sleep phones work great! Just pull them over your eyes for a nap, listen to the music, and your seatmate will not disturb you again. Works great!"
- Deborah, VA
"I have suffered from insomnia for a few years now, and Sleep Phones has enabled me to sleep better. It helped me sleep better, and gets me to sleep quicker. If you have Sleep Phones, you will notice how comfortable they are compared to other audio devices, and they can be used as an eye mask. Thank you so much."
- Ian L., Phillipines
"Thank you so much, being able to listen to the binaural beats at night and in the morning has changed my life! I no longer have to take any sleep medication, which I have taken for more than 10 years! I will be telling all my friends and family about the new SleepPhones!"
- Julie Ann M., IN
"I have to tell you that the SleepPhones are absolutely the most amazing thing I've ever used. And I have had a problem for years. I couldn't sleep with someone who snores. And it's the first time I've been able to sleep with someone who snores... The product is absolutely incredible."
- Robin L., NY
"SleepPhones block out all of the sounds that keep a light sleeper awake, including my husband's snoring. I also like the fact that they are right over my ears, so that outside noise does not get through. I plug it into the Sound Oasis, because it has several different sounds that can run continuously through the night. I use the white noise. I can sleep and my husband can snore. It has made a HUGE difference, and I have taken a brochure to our local Sleep Physician. At this point I am "addicted" to SleepPhones and will not even travel without them. I always have one or two extra sets so that if one fails, I will still be able to sleep. I have adjusted the headband by putting a velcro closure on so that when the headband eventually stretches out, I can tighten it. I do find that I have to sleep on a Bucky so that the speaker "button" doesn't hurt my ear when I sleep on my side. That is the only problem I would try to fix, along with adjusting the headband. Each previous improvement has been a good one (now the speakers do not move around so that I have to keep pushing them around inside of the headband). Also, the headband does get hot in the summer, but I don't know what can be done about that. I don't know whether they help me to fall asleep, but I do find the white noise soothing, so maybe they do."
- Nancy
"I LOVE these things and have recommended them to many, many people. I've bought two (my cat tore up my first pair) and my ex has even bought a pair."
- Nik, NV
"Although I bought my AcousticSheep package directly, I learned of the product from the National Sleep Foundation. If I had not been researching sleep deficits related to night shift workers, I would probably have never discovered this amazingly helpful product. The use of the AcousticSheep program has made a significant difference in my ability to sleep. Even though I've been on the night shift (11p-7a) for many years, I have been unable to effectively regulate my sleep patterns. It appears that with this system, my sleep patterns are regaining some of their previous regularity. Thank you. ... BTW: the AcousticSleep program is also exceptionally helpful in overcoming the Tinnitus noise disturbances caused by my acoustic neuroma. This was a most welcome relief as it is much more difficult to ignore the tinnitus when attempting to sleep. (Would probably be helpful for Tinnitus period) Thank you for your assistance and more importantly thank you for this product."
- Pat J., RN, NY
"The sleep phones are a great product that meets a real need. They're very comfortable and work like a breeze for side-sleepers like me. I'd been dealing with severe exam-related insomnia (lasting for more than two weeks) and sleep phones were by far the most effective of the many natural remedies I tried."
- Matthew, Toronto, Canada
"I love my SleepPhones - I use them every single night."
- Celia B., FL
"The SleepPhones System - finally, an effective system for everyone who values quality sleep without the inconvenience and side effects of medications."
- Greg Prakalapakorn, MD, anesthesiologist, CA
"Comfort is the number one thing I love about them. The headband is so soft and the speakers are so thin. When I wear them, I can completely block out my husband's snoring and highway traffic. I always sleep with an eye mask because my husband turns the lights on when he comes to bed and the sun shines through our window in the mornings. I turn on the SleepPhones AND pull the headband over my eyes. The next thing I know, I am waking up."
- Judy C.
"I am just following up with you. In short, the pulsatile tinnitus for which I purchased the sleepphones was masked well with a low frequency, low pitched mp3 I played on speakers. I slept very well. Sadly, I recently also was stricken, on top of the pulsatile tinnitus, with regular high pitch tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Only traditional whitenoise masks somewhat the this higher frequency tinnitus. Playing a mp3 whitenoise on a speaker is aggravating at night and that is where the sleepphones have proved to be send from heaven. They have literally saved me. I play my low frequency sound on a mp3 and speakers and the high frequency whitenoise on a mp3 and sleepphones. The sleepphones allow me to be abe to keep the volume rather low, making the whitenoise much more pleasant. As such, I can actually sleep. Thank you sincerely, for the sleepphones. I cannot overstate how critical and essential they have been to my wellbeing. I will purchase several more."
- Anthony K., Canada
"Love your product, by the way. My autistic son has worn out the last order. He is very sensitive to sounds and these have made his nights much more peaceful. Thank you for this great invention."
- Joan S., CA
"Had neck surgery and must spend most of six weeks in bed - I listen to books on tape with my SleepPhones at least 15 hours a day. Would be lost without them!"
- Pat H.
"I can't thank you enough for this SleepPhone. I haven't slept in months and have tried everything - one week with the SleepPhone system and I've gotten more rest than in the past 6 months. (no kidding) 'Amazing' doesn't even come close to describing this - 'lifesaving' might - you've definitely saved my sanity and my health (and my family's!) Thank you from the bottom of my better-rested-and-improving-every-day heart!"
- Sherri O., PA
"I ordered my sleepphones a month ago and love them; they really help with my insomnia."
- Joanie R., NJ
"THANK YOU so much for the Sleep Phones. For making them, and for introducing them to me. I use them almost every night. I don't usually have trouble falling asleep, but sometimes it takes me a while (longer than I'd like, especially considering I usually go to bed later than I should). I use the Sleep Phones as a way to ensure that I won't be staring at the ceiling for a half hour thinking about things I can't change."
- Carrie P., PA
"hi there acousticsheep! i cannot explain my gratitude enough for your fabulous product! it's only been a week and a half and i haven't slept like this before. i'm telling everyone i know who has ever mentioned to me that they don't sleep well. i work in a mental health facility, and i'm telling all my colleagues who work with clients to see if this is appropriate for them. i've told my acupuncturist so she could tell others. personally, for me, it has stopped my nightmares that plagued me so often. it puts me in that deep dreamless state. i am relaxed. if i wake up in the night at all, i'm back to sleep in a minute (literally) rather than 3-4 hours. i'm waking up refreshed and rested and ready to face my day. i am no longer tired in the day. thank you so much for your product, and your wonderful customer service. i can't wait to spread the word to anyone who mentions to me about poor sleep. i'm carrying the pamphlet with me so i can show people right away. thank you for the reasonable price, as many people who have health problems, often have limited income, and this is in a price range that is affordable. you have changed my life, for the absolute better, and for that i cannot thank you enough."
- anonymous
"I slipped the soft band off my head, yawned, stretched and made a cup off coffee. I sat at my iMac to take a few sips, read the news and check email. A "rate your transaction" email was waiting for me. I never read these. Who does? Well, I hope somebody does so they can read this response. When I saw that the email was from AcousticSleep I decided to write [oops out of coffee, wait a sec.]. [OK. I'm back] My "ear pajamas" are one of maybe three products I've purchased that really delivered beyond expectations. The backstory is important: I have an unfortunate, but manageable, condition that prohibits me from sleeping. To deal with this condition (and to minimize the use of medications) I have been listening to radio dramas, music, books on tape and other types of talk programs through headphones since the early 1980's. The sound gives me something to focus on--like a mantra. Only a few headphones I've bought were even remotely comfortable (none were ever satisfying) and I went through these cheap headphones at a rate of about two pair per year (what a waste). My studio-quality headphones are just too bulky to wear at night, and I could never justify ruining a $300 pair of headphones by sleeping in them. Like anyone reading this review, money is always an issue. Now, if we can flash back to the present: I am a professor of digital media at a small university where I teach, among other things, sound design. I am also a musician and have had more than 40 years of ear-training. I never expected the SleepPhones to be of such high quality. The sound is fantastic. The noise rejection from the outside is amazing (just try putting them on inside out one night). And, I can't believe the price. Why I didn't find these before..., I don't know. I hope my raves don't sound like a bad advertisement. I promise you they are most sincere, but alas, I am out of coffee. Sweet dreams"
- KCW, PhD, WV
"I work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 6 weeks in a row. After such long hours, all I look forward to is a full night of sleep. Since I usually have a roommate, the SleepPhones are absolutely wonderful. I no longer hear either my roommate's snoring or my neighbor's television set. I can actually sleep through the night now. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful product."
- Shelly, CO
"You have the best product for insomnia on the market. Keep up the great work and I'll keep referring friends and family to you."
- Gary K., NC
"I was totally delighted with my purchase and the purchase experience. The site and store is well laid out, and the product itself is very high quality and works great! My order was processed quickly and I received the sleepphones just a few days later. I emailed them because I thought my CD was going to come with a rain track (I received a stream track). They apologized and said they would get one out to me within a couple of weeks. They responded to my email promptly, and on a weekend for that matter. I can't say enough nice things about the experience and the product. I totally recommend buying the sleepphones if you have difficulty with a noisy spouse, noisy neighbors, etc. I have been sleeping so much better since I started using my sleepphones. At that price, it's worth the gamble that it might help you with your sleep. Quality sleep makes all the difference in one's day! Give it a try."
- Sally G., OR
"First, I want to say how much I have enjoyed your product. I listen to my Zune hours at a time and the ear plugs were just bothersome and painful (I'm a side sleeper). So, outstanding product, love it."
"Absolutely loving the product thus far. Best thing I bought in a while."
- Liam E., IL
"I was looking for high quality headphones that might be used during sleep both for myself and my patients for quite a long time. The problem was that either the headphones were inconvenient, or the sound quality was not good enough for therapeutic / treatment / personal development applications. Googling internet I found sleepphones web site and decided to give sleephones a try. Sleepphones arrived very quickly with clear instructions and CD with special soundtracks for better sleep. I personally found tracks on enclosed CD worked better then mp3 files downloadable from the site. Headphones are very light and soft, sit steady on the head but do not squeeze the temples as many headphones do, lying on the side is comfortable, i.e. there is no pressure on ear, the cord is located in such a way that turning in bed does not pull it. Unlike other headphones I tried before they help to fall asleep rather than awake you due to pressure on ear or cord pulling. I tried sleepphones with a few programs listed below using Koss KSC-75, Sennheiser PX100, and Sony MDR-V900 for comparison of sound quality and applicability: 1. Soundtherapy programs (filtered and specially processed classic music) for treatment of tinnitus (noise in ears) and many other problems. In order to use headphones for soundtherapy they should reproduce with minimal distortion and attenuation frequencies from 8Khz to 16 (and preferably 18-20) KHz. Also, the headphones should have good dynamic range, as difference between maximum and minimal sound level in soundtherapy programs may be quite substantial. I found that sleephones were excellent for this purpose. Many people (statistics says up to 15% of all population) suffer from tinnitus and sleep problems / insomnia caused by noise in ear(s). I believe sleepphones can be used very efficiently to address this problem in 3 different ways:
1) listening to Soundtherapy music CD/tape (in repeat mode) at night, as recommended by developers of this method. - listening to tinnitus masking recording, e.g. white noise or music with superimposed noise / "hiss" sound which frequency is close to the tinnitus sound frequency. I guess it is also possible to mix masking sound with binaural beats on the enclosed CD and get even better results. - listening to the Neuromonics tinnitus treatment device through sleepphones at night (I have not tried it but the sound reproduction of sleepphones seem to be compatible with the Neuromonics).
2) The Holosync programs. Headphones should reproduce the lower part of the spectrum (low frequencies). I only tried levels 1 and 2 Holosync and sleephones did a good job.
3) Subliminal recordings. I believe dynamic range is important for this purpose and sleepphones seem to work well, I can hear very quiet affirmation in pauses. Naturally, sleepphones are not HiFi headphones for general music listening (though you can listen music and the sound quality is quite good). However they are invaluable for those who suffer from insomnia, tinnitus, some other problems, or for those who want to use them for personal development.
I have no hesitation in recommending sleepphones."- Dr Boris Golembo, Osteopath, ND Australia
First let me just say I have been a very satisfied sleepphone customer from the first day it arrived. I have been meaning to write and give you my review/praise for a while. So I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. (If you are time restrained fell free to skip below). I am one of those people that have to listen to something to sleep. I may be a little unusual in that I have to listen to audiobooks or sometimes music to sleep. In 2004 several health problems I had progressed to the point I was pretty much bedridden. Since I had no control over my body's condition I was determined not to let my mind atrophy also. I became an audiobook addict :) because most of the time I was so fatigued I couldn't even read books. Talk about frustrating to a previous 4 sport playing, annoyingly energetic, young adult that loved books. This started my search for a system that would allow me to listen to audio without making everyone else suffer. I have since had the blessing of regaining some of my previous health and capability of moving on with my life :) but I have the quirk now that my mind will not stop trying to solve world peace and other complex problems when I would try to sleep. I tried many things but the only thing that would work is to distract my mind with something else while not requiring too much brain power. Audiobooks save the day again.
Maybe my mind missed all the stories :) I had tired MANY MANY products that promised that you can listen while you sleep from speaker pillows to ear covers with speakers to plain old headphones. None of these products worked for me. Speaker pillows where only one ear at a time and lets face it who doesn't move in their sleep. After having to have the sound blaring to try to compensate for only hearing sound from one ear, needing to have your ear in just the right spot to hear at all, and having to wake up to fetch the pillow from wherever it got notched off the bed to I gave up on those. The little ear speakers wouldn't stay on and was bulky they were uncomfortable so those were worthless. The best fit had been the plain old headphone, though those left me in pain by morning and at one point I was even getting calluses on my ears due to the constant irritation to my ears from hard plastic rubbing all night. Luckily after unthinkable hours of searching I stumbled upon your product. Hallelujah! Sleepphones were my savior. I got the all around sound that regular headphones gave me without the pain, I didn't have to chase it around the bed and floor in the middle of the night and it stayed on! After a week I emailed my extended family with a link to your website and praise for your product.
I knew from conversations and family reunions that several of my family had to you different sound Cd's/devices to sleep every night and some only needed it for family reunions :) And I have since got "favorite niece" status from one Aunt and several happy cousins. It's easy to say your a family favorite. And once I started working nights as a hospital nurse I'm even more grateful, since, lets face it the world is noisy when everyone (except night shift workers) are awake. All this is to say THANK YOU for a awesome, wonderful, great, splendorous, and for me a health improving product."
- Jena Z., TN
"The merchandise arrived fine - didn't expect it to be in a bag instead of a box but all the items were in good working condition. My husband LOVES the head phones! He has had two nights of continuous 7 hours sleep now - first in several months following his heart attack. Thanks!"
- Rosetta H., FL
"It's been years since I slept really well. Three years ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, and now I sleep with a CPAP machine. That helped a LOT for quite a while, but in the last few months I have getting more tired during the day. I bought a Sleeptracker watch to wake me up at a good time. That helps me feel better in the morning, but after a few hours I'm tired. I'm ready for a nap around 10:30, and have trouble staying awake at my desk. Besides waking me up, the Sleeptracker keeps track of near-awake moments (based on movement) throughout the night. Looking at that data, I have concluded that my sleep cycle is backward. I understand a "normal" sleep cycle to be deep sleep, then less deep, then deep again for a shorter period, then increasingly lighter until you wake, with the lightest sleep and most dreams coming in the hours before waking. My data show that I sleep very lightly until about 4 AM. The longest period between "almost awake" moments according to my Sleeptracker is around 20 minutes on average. Then, starting sometime between 4 and 5 AM I'll have 1 or 1.25 hours. I hypothesize that this is my only delta sleep period, and it's coming shortly before I wake up - which is between 5:30 and 6. In the last week I've purchased some SleepPhones ( I LOVE THEM. I recommend them if you want to listen to anything in bed without worrying about earphones or headphones staying in/on all night. I have been trying to use binaural beat tracks played from my iPod to make my sleep cycle better. I put on the SleepPhones, then my CPAP mask, and listen all night. So far, no dramatic changes, but two days ago I had a deep sleep period that started around 3 AM and lasted 2.25 hours. That morning I woke up around 5:15 (before my alarm) feeling GREAT! I didn't get tired during the day until early evening. It's amazing what even 1 more hour of rest can do for you. Aside from that night, I haven't had any longer deep sleep periods, but I think my sleep overall is more restful, because I'm not quite as tired during the day on average."
- BBacher, IN
"Wow! Thank you very much. I truly am very pleased with your SleepPhones."
- William S., WI
"I do like them. I was not able to wear them asdesigned. The cord and the fabric seam at the back were just too uncomfortable, pushing into the back of my neck. I actually found that if I move the speakers around and wear them upside down with the label in back and cord in front - that works for me. My wife snores and they really do help me to get to sleep. I think your design would be better if the seams both at the back and the sides were much less noticeable."
- Steven
"I would like to thank you for your great job. SleepPhones are just great and I'm totally satisfied that I bought them! You, guys, are best :P."
- Krejd, Poland
"Since getting it I listen to it every night and sometimes for those great Sunday afternoon naps. I listen primarily to classical and new age music as well as various books."
- Tom N., OH
"I have tried all sorts of contraptions and inventions to try to get a good nights sleep, and block out my partners snoring. Now with the sleepphone sytem I have found the perfect solution to all my sleepless nights. Its comfortable and easy to wear and the sound is soothing and and best of all I can play any of my own white noise cds and adjust the sound to my own liking, with the repeat settings on my cd player and have it going all night.I really recommend this system to block out all outside noise."
- Peter R., Australia
"I received my new sleep headphone set yesterday and used it last night. The binary sound over the nature sound will take a bit of getting used to but I did sleep well last night and did NOT hear my husband snore!!!!"
- Diane K., TX
"I just wanted to let you know that I have received my SleepPhones and I am delighted with them! Considering I sent you a special order for my XXXL sized head on a Saturday evening, the speed of production, dispatch and delivery to the U.K. was superb! I received them Thursday morning so 6 days to complete a transatlantic order is mighty impressive considering also the 4 Day Easter break in the middle as well. I have waited a few days to thank you to check that they worked as well as expected and I have no faults and will recommend them whenever I can!"
- Richard Y., UK
"Hi, my husband has a set of sleepphones and we've been really pleased with them -- we're based in the UK. Anyway, I'd like to buy a pair for my brother as he likes listening to the radio in bed and it drives his girlfriend crazy..."
- Rachel G., UK
"I posted about these already some time ago - and I have to say: YEP! This is the solution for all who want to use their iPod or personal CD player for brainwave entrainment while sleeping (e.g. for insomnia, or for training lucid dreaming and OBEs). No more earbuds slipping out, no fatty headphones preventing sleep, no more problems when turning and moving around in your sleep."
- Brainwaver's Blog
"First I would like to say your sleepphones are amazing! I would always want to listen to music to ease myself to sleep but I found all other headphones uncomfortable, due to the way i position myself when I sleep. The sleepphones are very comfortable and combined with the binaural beats that are included I can get to sleep very easily and the colors are pretty snazzy too!"
- Brandon C., NJ
"I just had cancer surgery and infections and complications, and your earphones and my ipod are the best medicine!"
- R. S. Wenocur, Ph.D, PA
"After another excellent week of sleep... I definitely get a stereo affect and can hear the background beats quite well, so I'm happy. The wave sounds in Newport Waves are much more real than my old machine which was pretty good! I love the deeper sound affects as well. I am sleeping much better in general."
- Susan K., VT
"I absolutely love them! I have one at my vacation home and I ordered one for our main house. That way, I'll never be without them!!"
- Judy C., NH on Amazon
"Ok... in my humble opinion, these sleepphones are EXACTLY as advertised!! They are extremely comfortable and the sound is VERY good in both ears. I was actually afraid that you would lose base or treble with this product but happily that is not the case. It does start off a little warm on your head but after a couple of minutes your body regulates the heat and it's no longer noticable. I do have to warn you though.. if you want to STAY AWAKE while wearing the sleepphones.. sleep on your back! Everytime I layed on my side while wearing them, I fell ASLEEP (which I guess is testimony in itself on how comfortable they are)!! My review.. TWO THUMBS UP!"
- Clairity, TX in the DreamViews Forum
"I have to say, These are very unique and they work! The construction is awesome and feels like a warm set of pajamas. A little pricey, but heck they are made in the USA (handmade, I might add) and have a wonderful sound. You can barely tell that the speakers are there! I have tried every ear phones and buds imaginable only to have ear aches or a stiff neck. I just pull these over my eyes and let the soothing sounds of my IPOD take over...A+!"
- Maggie, NJ
"Check out these headphones, they are wonderful for sleeping and the speakers inside them have been selected with brainwave entrainment in mind! By the way, I do not sell these, I only want to share a great thing! You can turn over in your sleep and the headphones/band stays on your head with comfort."
- Andrew Bentley, NC Andrew's great idea: The best headphones for sleeping!, Plus my own light goggles addition.
"The SleeppPhones box is beautifully presented and will make a great gift. It definitely has a wow-factor and is unique."
- Kim v.d.B., Great Britain
"I placed my order on Monday, and it arrived the very next day, and you were in the middle of a move, so I expected it to take at least a week!. So all I can say is WOW! I am impressed! And after one night, I'm impressed with your product too! (I usually don't end every sentence with an exclamation point, but your service deserves it!!!) One happy customer"
- Gail M., NH
"Your product fills a much needed niche, and I appreciate you reaching out to me by linked-in. The sound quality is great on the earphones."
- Dr. Jasper S. (emergency medicine), NY
"My husband snores all night. He wears those BreathRight strips, but they don't really stop him from snoring, they only quiet him a little. I've always had a very difficult time falling asleep- ever since I was a child- and his snoring was making it so much harder. It had been getting so bad lately that we were sleeping apart- just so that I COULD get some sleep. However, being a (somewhat) newly married couple we didn't want to HAVE to sleep apart so I started trying different things to help me fall asleep such as: sleeping pills (I still couldn't fall asleep and I felt so much worse in the morning), ear plugs (the foam kind fell out about 3 seconds after putting them in and the waxy kind gave me an ear infection), and going to bed an hour or so before him (I'm a night owl and he goes to bed at 10:00 at the latest). Needless to say, these options didn't help. Then one day at Target I saw a "Sleep" CD- it was supposed to help you fall asleep by helping to control your brain wave activity. It was on sale and I was sleep deprived and desperate so I bought it and that night I tried it. I slept so well, but in the morning my neck and back were so stiff and sore. I had used my old headphones which had great speakers but were very clunky. I decided that the trade was worth it and kept using them. After about a month and a half of use I threw my neck out. I couldn't move- even breathing hurt. I knew those clunky headphones were to blame. That night, with my husband in the guest room so any tossing and turning wouldn't hurt me, I tried to sleep without my sleep cd- but I couldn't! The next day I got online and started searching on Google for headphones you could sleep in and among other websites the SleepPhones website popped up. Most of the other websites showed "earbud" type headphones- similar to what come with an iPod- but I had tried those already and still having the bruises and sores on the inside of my ear to proove it, kept looking. Once I clicked on your website I knew I had my answer. Later that evening I ordered a pair and now that they have arrived in the mail I haven't slept better my whole life!"
- Laura, IN
"I have been searching and searching for comfortable headphones to wear all night long. I don't sleep on my back so it's difficult to wear headphones at all unless I only put one bud in one ear, but I need stereo sound for biofeedback. I have really sensitive ears... I am buying them for me, my husband and my two kids. I think the way you incorporated the cord to come out from the forehead is great. My kids fall asleep with their ipods sometimes and it always worries me with those cords hanging down."
- Keri G., ID
"I was very impressed. It is well made and so soft. It's amazing that it is handmade. The sheep eyelet is such an adorable touch. I think the others will be just as excited about it."
- Alicia R., IL
"Soft and super comfortable, works better than any sound machine. I am getting better sleep, I start to relax as soon as I put them on and turn on my sound maker app. They blocked the noise of my noisy "night owl" upstairs neighbor!"
- PJ
"Revolutionized the way I sleep with a wife. I can sleep without disturbing her with my audiobooks. Or, as a Marine, when deployed, I can listen to audio books as I fall asleep without disturbing anyone. These things are great when you're in the military and in the field or barracks with a bunch of guys and you want to fall asleep listening to an audio book but you don't want to disturb anyone."
- George M.
"Hi, I have received my ear pajamas, and they are WONDERFUL! I wear a CPAP mask at night and it has been impossible, until now, to find comfortable earphones. I love my speaker headband!"
- Becki
"I listen to binaural beats to sleep every night and headphones are a must. SleepPhones are so comfortable unlike any other kind of headphones."
- Tracey L.
"It's fully centered on blocking sound, my husband snores violently and anything that can block or shield that sound is a godsend! Even $350 Bose noise canceling headphones can't completely block the noise he makes and it's not possible to comfortably sleep in those!. I like sleep phones because they are wireless and quite comfortable to sleep in, even lying on my side as I do! Any noise canceling qualities would be a bonus!"
- Lisa S.
"I am very pleased with the SleepPhones and the other CDs. I was very surprised and thrilled when they arrived early! I will definitely recommend your product to friends and family."
- Lisa
"Thanks very much. I am LOVING my new Sleep Phones and want to tell all my friends!"
- Christina
"My pajamas for my ears have renewed the quality of my life! I am a side sleeper and was never able to drown our the "noise" of chronic pain until I got my ear pajamas 2 years ago. When I don't sleep, I get flare-ups which affect my ability to work. My pajamas enable me to sleep andI am grateful to work consistently and energetically! Thank you!"
- Shelly Jean J.
"These SleepPhones are fantastic! I've been interested in sleep learning for years. These are the only head phones that do not cause me discomfort while sleeping. They are a very clever design, something I wish I had had years ago."
- Edward Safranski, NY
"High quality! I've been sleeping in headphones 4 yrs-these are most comfortable."
- Donna V., WA (see other eBay feedback)
All testimonials are completely real and unsolicited.