SleepPhones® Blog Page 22

Alcohol's Impact on Sleep: New Data Confirms It's Worse Than You Think
Does alcohol consumption help or hinder sleep?

Give Yourself a Silent Night with Holiday Ambience, Music, and ASMR
We put together a list of our 30 favorite holiday videos that are guaranteed to help you sleep, study, relax and more.

Tips on Fighting Fatigue and Boosting Productivity
Whether you're relaxing just before bedtime, fighting fatigue throughout the day, or preparing for a productive workout, we have several tips on how to maximize your efforts.

Discover Soothing Paths to Quality Relaxation
"Just relax"—that's easy for anyone to say. "Try really hard to calm your mind and not think about every little thing that's bothering you, until you get tired anyway"—that's...

What is Paradoxical Sleep?
There are four stages of sleep that people go through when catching some shut eye...

What to Know About Your Child's Face Mask — and How to Test Whether it's Working
Here is how I would recommend testing your child's mask...

Choosing a COVID-19 Booster Vaccine
Information for My Friends Who Are Considering Booster Doses

On Lucid Dreaming
Dreaming is a mysterious phenomenon. Being consciously aware of our dreams—and even changing how they unfold—is even more mysterious.

On Binaural Beats
How many benefits are there to listening to binaural beats? Plenty.

Having Winter Woes? Here are 4 Ways SleepPhones® Headphones Can Improve Your Mood
If you're struggling with winter woes, SleepPhones® headphones can help. Even though we cannot fast-forward...

Read This Before You Start Taking Sleeping Pills
There are so many potential drawbacks to sleeping pills that you want to make sure you consider the longer-term effects.

How to Prevent Sleep Paralysis
Perhaps you, or a person you know, has felt it before—the chilling realization that you're awake but can't move or speak. With this feeling often comes a dark pressure, one that seems...

Can Halloween Music Be Relaxing? Listen to Our 30 Favorite Spooky Tunes to Find Out.
Something tranquil this way comes… And it's our list of 30 favorite Halloween-themed tracks on YouTube!

On Polyphasic Sleep
Polyphasic sleep is a pattern of sleep that includes many phases of rest and wakefulness throughout a 24-hour period.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is directly related to our circadian rhythms. Inconsistency in our sleep-wake schedules can lead to depression.

On Autogenic Training
Derived from the Greek words for "self" and "origin"—together meaning "self-generating" or "coming from within"—autogenic training is widely considered a form of self-hypnosis.

Stress and Sleep
Our story starts with a family doctor who had experienced sleeplessness firsthand. When patient phone calls kept her up at night, she and her husband created what would become the first-ever sleep headphones.

The Best Music and Sounds for Sleeping
The possibilities for music and sound are endless. So, how do you find the best ones for sleeping?

6 Reasons ASMRtists Say SleepPhones® are the Ideal Gift for Everyday Listening
The approach of the holiday season leaves us tingly—much like ASMR. But finding an ideal gift is not at all a relaxing experience, and neither is sleeping with traditional earbuds...

On Tinnitus
Commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears,” people who suffer from tinnitus experience buzzing, clicking, hissing, or ringing sounds in their ears despite the absence of any audible sound in the surrounding environment.

Quantum Healing
Quantum healing, also known as quantum therapy and quantum medicine, is a form of alternative medicine coined by Indian-American writer Deepak Chopra.

What Is Deep Sleep, and Can We Use Music to Get More Of It?
We’ve all heard how crucial it is to get enough sleep, and most of us have felt the ill effects of not getting enough of it.

Which is Better: Polyphasic Sleep, Biphasic Sleep, or Monophasic Sleep?
This article explores biphasic and polyphasic sleep as alternatives to the monophasic pattern. We investigate where these alternatives originate and whether they...

Noisy Pets: What To Do When Your Pets Are Preventing You From Sleeping
If noisy pets are keeping you up at night, read on to understand what might be causing your pets’ nocturnal activities and how to put your own worries to rest.

Inspired by a Restless Night: How Eckhart Tolle’s Meditations May Help You Sleep Better
“One night not long after my twenty-ninth birthday, I woke up in the early hours with a feeling of absolute dread.”

Why Do Children Worry About Height And Does Sleeping Affect Height?
Can sleeping make children grow taller? While the science is contradictory, concerns about height are still valid.

Adult Sensory Processing Disorder and What It Means for Sleep
Unfortunately, not all of us get the same quality of sleep. While sleep disturbances may occur for several different reasons, complications with sensory processing can be exceptionally challenging to treat.

Basic Knowledge You Need to Plan for the Rest of the COVID-19 Pandemic
There are a few basic notions that have changed since the beginning of the pandemic. They are important to understand as a basis for thinking about and planning for your approach to what's next.

Sleep Restriction Therapy: A Liberating Treatment for People with Insomnia Disorder
Psychologists have found, since 1987, that restricting a person’s time in bed can address the roots of insomnia.

Sensory Processing Disorder and Sleep Problems, Plus Two Key Ideas for Sleeping Better
Some of us have a hard time catching adequate shuteye — and those with sensory processing disorder (SPD) are no exception.

5 Tips for Sleeping Better in an RV
Whether you’re sightseeing, going on a camping trip, or purchasing an RV as an alternative to buying or renting a home, many recreational vehicle owners have admitted to having difficulties sleeping in their RV.

Truckers With Sleep Apnea: 5 Tips for Truck Drivers Managing Sleep Issues
Sleep deprivation is one of the most common causes of semi-truck accidents.

Here's How to Sleep at Music Festivals
Many music lovers are starting to remember the challenges of falling asleep at a music festival.

COVID-somnia: A Pandemic-Induced Sleep Disorder
The ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on many people and, in many ways, is affecting their overall well-being.

Who is Deepak Chopra and is Quantum Healing Real?
To Deepak Chopra, the mind, body, and spirit are inextricably connected.

Information for Nurses With Sleeping Troubles and PTSD Due to COVID-19
As the pandemic continues to rage across the globe, many healthcare workers feel like they’re reaching their breaking point...

Is Your Partner's Snoring Keeping You Up At Night? Here is What You Need to Know.
You’re not alone! Snoring is a common problem.

How the More Infectious South African COVID-19 Strain Will Affect Our Future
The new South African strain is more infectious than current strains, similar to the UK strain, though we don't...

The Relationship Between Mind-Body Medicine and Quantum Healing
Dr. Deepak Chopra coined the term in 1989 when he first published a book by the very name, Quantum Healing.

UK Strain Ramifications for the US
The new UK coronavirus strain is in the US, but we don’t know what percentage of cases are with the new strain.

15 Questions with Dr. Lai About the Coronavirus Vaccines [Coronavirus Q&A Series]
Dr. Lai answers some common questions on the vaccines. No spin, not pushy, just science so you can decide for yourself.

U.S. COVID-19 Cases and Mask Mandates Impact On Ecommerce Purchase Rate
If our company represents the economy in a broader context, then the lower the virus burden, the better the economy.

Meditation Could Be Your Key to Better Sleep
Whether you’ve already been meditating and are now curious how it impacts your sleep, or you’re a newcomer to the practice, SleepPhones® has got you covered.

Coronavirus and Ecommerce Per Country: How Less Virus Means More Sales
Now that we are at least 6 months into the COVID-19 pandemic with cases in 140 countries, our company has collected enough data to see how the virus changed SleepPhones® headphones ecommerce worldwide.

Spoofed email address
Hello! Our was spoofed to send out text messages on July 10, 2020. We have checked all of the logs, and we have not been hacked. It was simply a spoofed address. No information was actually compromised. If you received one of these text messages, please do not respond to it, do...

Watch Out for E-Commerce Scams During COVID-19
Watch Out for E-Commerce Scams During COVID-19 By Dr. Wei-Shin Lai, Co-Founder & CEO of...

Why Do Some People Have a Worse Response to the...
Why Do Some People Have a Worse Response to the Coronavirus? Wei-Shin Lai, M.D. June 8, 2020...

The Connection Between Sleep and Migraine...
The Connection Between Sleep and Migraine Headaches While there is still a lot we don’t know...

How To Tell If Your Symptoms Are From Allergies or COVID-19
Allergies (nasal allergies/allergic rhinitis) versus COVID-19 (novel coronavirus disease) annotated symptom chart differentiates these confusing diseases. June 2, 2020 Wei-Shin Lai, M.D. Are My...

COVID-19 Diet: What to Eat When Sick with the Novel Coronavirus
May 15, 2020 Wei-Shin Lai, M.D. How COVID-19 is Causing Blood Clots Even in Young People COVID-19 causes your blood to “thicken,1” which leads to strokes,2 pulmonary embolism,3 “COVID toes...

Does Being Stressed Make It Harder to Sleep?
Does Being Stressed Make It Harder to Sleep? Like the moon and tide, sleep and stress are intrinsically linked. In conjunction with this connection, there is also a chicken or the egg relationship...

Four Simple Ways to Reduce Coronavirus Anxiety [+ Shareable Infographic]
Four Simple Ways to Reduce Coronavirus Anxiety [+ Shareable Infographic] If the coronavirus has you on edge, you’re not alone. In the span of days, life was upended around the world. In addition...

The Most Comfortable Coronavirus Mask Design By A Doctor
The Most Comfortable Coronavirus Mask Design By A Doctor (Plus a Solution for Glasses Fogging up or Wearing With a Beard) Step-By-Step Directions on How to Make Your Own Mask Using Household Items...

Your Complete ASMR Triggers List [Infographic + Videos]
Your Complete ASMR Triggers List [Infographic + Videos] ASMR, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, refers to the tingly feeling you get in your head and sometimes down your spine in...

AcousticSheep Response to COVID-19
AcousticSheep® Response to COVID-19 June 15, 2020 Dear SleepPhones Customer, Your health is our first priority. In order to protect you, we protect ourselves, which filters to our community...

Updates on the Coronavirus Pandemic
Updates on the Coronavirus Pandemic Link to the post that details my original analysis of the Coronavirus situation from February 28, 2020. July 7, 2020 Scientists routinely surveil flu...

Coronavirus Predictions and Business Impact: How Fast It Will Spread, Creating a Business...
Coronavirus Predictions and Business Impact: How Fast It Will Spread, Creating a Business Continuity Plan, and What You Should Stock Up On February 28, 2020 Wei-Shin Lai, M.D. Corrections and...

How Lack of Sleep Affects Your Immune System
How Lack of Sleep Affects Your Immune System And the Important Role Sleep Will Play Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak The connection between lack of sleep and illness isn’t cut and dry, but there is...

Treating Tinnitus-Induced Sleep Problems Without Medication
Treating Tinnitus-Induced Sleep Problems Without Medication Dealing with tinnitus-induced sleep problems can be debilitating, and many of the medications to deal with it come with a litany of...

Doctor and CEO Answers Questions About Coronavirus
Doctor and Business Owner Answers Questions About Coronavirus: What You Should Do to Prepare February 28, 2020. Erie, PA. I wanted to write an article about how businesses should be preparing...

Yoga Poses for Before Bed
Yoga Poses for Before Bed Yoga postures before bed have been proven to help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. If you're struggling to get to sleep in the evenings, put...

What Is Tinnitus and How to Manage It
What Is Tinnitus and How to Manage It Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing noise even when there isn’t any. The perception of this sound is different for everyone. Some people experience it as a...

Your Guide to Napping: How to Nap to Get The Biggest Benefit
Your Guide to Napping: How to Nap to Get The Biggest Benefit If you’re one of the 34% of Americans who take a midday snooze (1), keep your eyes open for a few more minutes to learn all about...

Wireless v Effortless
SleepPhones® Wireless v. Effortless™ They look virtually the same; so how are they different? Where they differ, is in how you charge them! Visually and...

Sleep: What You Need to Meet Any Goal This New Year [Infographic]
The One Thing Every Resolution Needs Check out the infographic below to see how sleep impacts just about everything in your life. From exercise to finances, quality sleep is crucial for performing...

Sleep & Alzheimer's: The Relationship You Never Knew About [Infographic]
Sleep & Alzheimer's: The Relationship You Never Knew About Sleep may play a role in preventing Alzheimer's Disease. Check out our Sleep and Alzheimer's Community Page for more...

How to Program Your Mind While You Sleep to Experience Profound Life Changes
How to Program Your Mind While You Sleep to Experience Profound Life Changes Guest blog post by Matt Belair. Please consult your doctor if you have a medical concern. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px...

How SleepPhones® Co-Founder Conquered Baby Sleep Training
How SleepPhones® Co-Founder Conquered Baby Sleep Training Sleep Training Diary Contents Introduction and background Typical day prior to sleep training Things I did to prepare for sleep...

11 Gadgets Your Airbnb Needs [Infographic]
11 Gadgets Your Airbnb Needs As an Airbnb host, you do whatever it takes to give your guests a great experience and earn the best reviews for your space. Having these 11 gadgets will help you...

How to Get Better Sleep for You and Your Baby
How to Get Better Sleep for You and Your Baby By: Nicole Cassey, founder and CEO of Bubbaroo Good sleep as a new parent can feel impossible. But the good news is that you really can...

The World Awaits: 10 Travel Experts Worth Following
The World Awaits: 10 Travel Experts Worth Following Love to travel? Then you’ll want to check out the tips and tricks from these travel experts. Nomadic Matt Having been to around 100...

Weird to Wonderful: How I Learned to Love ASMR
My Journey: Listening To ASMR I had never heard of ASMR, the relaxing, tingly feeling brought on by triggers like whispering and tapping, before I worked at AcousticSheep. But it didn’t take...

Our Top Product Picks From This Year’s Sleep Show
It was so exciting to head down to Texas for the 2019 National Sleep Foundation Sleep Show. There were so many great new products to help people get more and better sleep. Here are ten of...

5 Signs Your Loved One Is Struggling With Alcohol Use Disorder [Infographic]
How To Tell If Your Loved One Is Struggling with Alcohol Use Disorder Alcohol Use Disorder can affect any family. Keep an eye out for these signs to help a loved one, and don't be afraid to reach...

Infographic: 7 YouTubers to Help You Learn While Sleeping
Ever wanted to learn a foreign language, math concepts, and more while you sleep? Then you should definitely check out these YouTube channels to get the 411 on hypnopedia, which is the technical term...

Guest Post: What Exactly Is Hypnobirthing?
What Exactly Is Hypnobirthing? A unique childbirth preparation style has been making headlines since Princess Kate of the United Kingdom used it for her February 2020 birth. Hypnobirthing...

Hypnobirthing with SleepPhones® Headphones
Hypnobirthing with SleepPhones® Headphones “You’re hypno, what?” asked my husband. I had just revealed that I planned on hypnobirthing our first child in just a few short months. And like most...

Stop Sugar Cravings
Sometimes those sugar cravings are difficult to ignore! Try these 8 strategies the next time you feel yourself wanting something sweet.