Alpha Testing Installation Instructions

Screenshot of email for SleepPhones Harmony from TestFlight

When we invite you to be an alpha tester, you should receive an email from TestFlight. I recommend that you view the email on your iDevice (iPhone, iPad, etc.) since most of the other installation steps occur on your iDevice. Click on the button View in TestFlight.

Screenshot of TestFlight Webpage

Select and copy the code for pasting later. Get the TestFlight app from the App Store.

Screenshot of Open in App Store dialogue

Click Open to get to TestFlight in the App Store.

Screenshot of TestFlight in App Store before installation

Install TestFlight by clicking on the cloud with the arrow.

Screenshot of TestFlight in App Store after installation

Open TestFlight by clicking on the open button.

Screenshot of TestFlight Notifications setting

TestFlight may ask if you want Notifications. We update the app about once or twice a week, usually in the late afternoon or early evening on the East coast of the US (EST or GMT -5). A notification would show up at that time. If it's an inconvenient time, feel free to opt out of notifications. You will also receive an email informing you of the update. Rarely, the previous version of the app may not work until you update your version.

  1. Screenshot of TestFlight App Code redemption

    Install the TestFlight app. Paste in your Redemption code. If the pop-up does not automatically show up, the Redeem link is on the top right.

  2. Screenshot of SleepPhones Harmony App Installation page before installation

    Click on the Install button to get SleepPhones Harmony.

  3. Screenshot of SleepPhones Harmony App Installation page after installation

    Click on the Open button to open SleepPhones Harmony.

  4. Screenshot of SleepPhones Harmony App Notifications option

    If you don't mind, please click on Allow. We currently have no notifications at all. We'd like to test this in the future, and we really don't anticipate over-using this feature.

  5. Screenshot of SleepPhones Harmony App Introductory tutorial messages This series of introductory tutorial messages should only show up once. If you want to re-read them, they will be located in the Settings section.

  6. Screenshot of SleepPhones Harmony App loading animation

    During this loading screen, your phone is downloading a new music track.

  7. Screenshot of SleepPhones Harmony App Play button

    Click Play to start a song. The other controls should be pretty self-explanatory. If that is not the case, please let us know! If there's anything confusing, we would greatly appreciate your feedback so we can improve usability.

  8. Screenshot of SleepPhones Harmony App Icon

    This is what the Harmony App looks like on your iDevice. Every time you sleep, please start it, listen to the track, and rate it!

  9. Screenshot of Email from Testflight

    When we update the App, you would receive an email similar to this. Just go to TestFlight to get the latest update. We usually update once or twice a week.

  10. Screenshot of TestFlight App Icon

    This is what the TestFlight App looks like on your iDevice. When you go in there, just click the Update button. A new SleepPhones Harmony version will automatically be installed.

Thank you for being a tester!

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